Dungeon Maps
Cataclysm Classic has maps for each dungeon built in. While we can't display our normal waypoint arrow inside these dungeons, these maps DO allow us to display map markers showing where all of the targets are.
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Zygor's Cataclysm Classic Dungeons and Gear Guides feature dungeon quest walkthroughs for all dungeons on the reshaped lands of Azeroth. The guides also include helpful tips and strategies for taking down the major bosses. Additionally, all raids will have guides added for them as they become available. You can use our Gear Finder tool to find which dungeon bosses drop upgrades for each of your equipment slots.
Cataclysm Classic has maps for each dungeon built in. While we can't display our normal waypoint arrow inside these dungeons, these maps DO allow us to display map markers showing where all of the targets are.
We have added 10 new guides that will walk you through locating and defeating each of the bosses in the Cataclysm dungeons. This includes detailed strategies that break down the fights and include dungeon role specific tips for Tanks, DPS, and healers.
In WoW Classic, dungeons actually have quite a few quests you can do that reward a lot of XP. We include quest guides that show you where to accept these quests and everything you need to do to complete them inside of the dungeons.
Many of the raids require you to complete a series of quests or obtain an item to gain access to them. While Cataclysm attunement is minimal, TBC is infamous for how extensive and long these can be. We include attunement guides for Karazhan, Magtheridon's Lair, Gruul's Lair, Serpentshrine Cavern, and The Eye: Tempest Keep.
The Gear Finder has been fully updated to recommend gear obtained inside of the new Cataclysm dungeons. This feature will look at all of your available gear slots and let you know when there's a better item that can be found in one of the new dungeons.
Sometimes there are upgrades available in several different dungeons or raids, making it tricky to choose which one is best. Luckily, our Gear Finder has a Dungeon Suggestion feature that will tell you which dungeon has the most upgrades available and is the best use of your time.
Our built in Quest Reward Advisor will highlight the best quest rewards, saving you the trouble of having to look over each one to find one that fits your class. If no upgrade is found, the item that can be sold for the most gold will be highlighted instead.
Whenever you come across new weapons and armor Zygor will notify you anytime there's an upgrade, allowing you to compare the stats of the new items with your current gear. Potential upgrades will be highlighted directly in your inventory, allowing you to decide what best suits your build.