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Zygor's Gold & Professions is an all in one solution for making mounds of gold in World of Warcraft. The guide will show you how to level up your professions to max skill level and then use them to make mounds of gold. It also includes a suite of tools to help you master the Auction House.
All-in-one in-game gold making addon.

Leveling up professions can feel tedious and boring in comparison to leveling up characters. Most players just want to know the best shortcuts for reaching skill cap in the fastest time possible. Zygor's Professions and Gold guide provides exactly that with complete step by step profession guides.

Reach Profession Skill Cap In Every Expansion.
Our guides will show you the best way to reach skill cap for Classic professions all the way through to the new highest profession proficiency of Dragon Isles.

Complete Profession Questlines.
The guides have been updated to walk you through the new profession questlines in Dragonflight that reward top-level reagents for gathering professions and higher rank recipes for crafting professions.

Easily find plans, recipes, patterns, ect.
Discover the best recipes and where to acquire them. Zygor’s Profession guide helps you locate which NPC's sell or drop the hardest to find plans, recipes, patterns, and manuals.

One of the best ways to make gold in World of Warcraft is to obtain valuable items and sell back on the Auction House for a profit. Farming allows you to do this with little to no money up front or professions needed. The guide will display a list of the highest earning farmable materials and will show you the best place to farm that item with the highest drops and respawn rates.

Top Item Lists.
Every realm in World of Warcraft is unique which means every server will have different items that will make you the most gold. Our guide scans and monitors your realms marketplace and the top earning items specific to the realms you play on.
Highest Drop and Spawn Rates.
Most farmable items are dropped by multiple mob types throughout the world but in different frequencies. Our guide will show you which mobs have the highest percent chance of dropping the desired items and which mobs have the fastest respawn rates.
See how much gold you are earning as you farm items. This makes it way more intresting to farm because you actually see your estimated gold earnings go up as you farm.

Zygor's Gold and Auctions guide will help you make the most of your Gathering professions by showing you which Herbalism, Mining, and Skinning items are the most valuable and the most in demand. The guide will take you to the best location in the game for obtaining each item complete with an optimized farming route.

Best farming spots.
With Zygor's Gold and Auctions guide you never have to research the best locations for farming profession resources. Simply load the guide for the item you wish to farm and our Travel System will dynamically route you to the best spot.
Adapts to your characters.
Zygor's Gold and Auctions guide will actually adapt itself to your characters, only showing you items you can farm at your current skill level. This allows you to make the most gold even if you're not maxed out yet.
Optimized Farming Routes.
One of the best ways to make gold in World of Warcraft is to obtain valuable items and sell them on the Auction House for a profit. Farming allows you to do this with very little money required up front or professions needed.

Start making serious gold with our Crafting section, which will help you determine which items are worth creating by comparing the cost of the materials to the amount they can be sold for. The guides themselves are dynamic, so if you don't already have the recipe required they will tell you how to get it, and if all the ingredients aren't available to buy outright you will have the option to farm them.

Step by Step Crafting Walkthroughs.
Our Crafting section looks at your available crafting professions and shows you which items you can earn the most gold from. The guides are will then walk you through the entire process, from obtaining recipes, to gathering ingredients, to creating the final product.
Buy or Farm Ingredients.
Whenever you need to gather ingredients for the items you want to craft our guide will give you the option of buying them from the Auction House (if available) or gathering the materials using our optimized farming routes.
Easy and Expert Modes.
One of the best ways to make gold in World of Warcraft is to obtain valuable items and sell them on the Auction House for a profit. Farming allows you to do this with very little money required up front or professions needed.
Simply playing the auction house can be the most lucrative gold making ventures if you have a sizable gold staff and you're not afraid to spend it. Just like a real world stock market, prices of items traded on the Auction House fluctuate daily, creating opportunities to buy low and sell high. Zygor's Gold and Auctions guide finds items that are selling at record lows for you to buy them out!

Buy low. Sell high.
All throughout the day players unknowningly post high value items at below average prices. Our Auctions section will show you these deals so that you can buy them cheap and sell them for their actual worth.
Helpful status indicators.
Flipping auctions can be a risky affair if you don't know what you're doing. That's why our guide provides helpful status indictators to show you how likely the item. Easily see if an item is a trade good, popular transmog, or used for pvp twinking.
Deal finder.
When you add items from our Auction panel they get sent to a Shopping List which you can then use to easily find the items on the live Auction House. This allows you to quickly sweep in and buy up the deals before someone else does.
Auction Tools
Zygor's Auction Tools provide an enhanced marketplace experience that is seamlessly integrated into the games own Auction House interface. These tools will analyze your items, estimate their value, tell you how in demand they are, and help you to post and buy items faster and easier.

Item Appraisal and Analysis.
The Selling section of the Auction Tools will price all your items and order them by their current market status, such as when prices are rising, normal, or falling. This allows you to priortize your biggest sellers and know when to hold off on items that might be stagnant.
Built-In Item Posting.
All the functionality of the games own posting panel is built right in with added features and enhancements including stack size/count, bid/buyout price, undercut settings, and more. Use our recommendations or manually customize listings to your own preferences.
Quickly Buyout Deals.
Zygor's Gold Guide will alert you to high value items that are selling at ultra low prices and with the Auction Tools you can easily find these auctions to buy them out before the competition does, and relist them for major profit.
Deep Server Analysis
Using the power of the cloud, we monitor every realms Auction House, even when you're not in-game, and process this data through our custom system developed together with gold experts. We then serve this data directly to you through the Zygor Guides Client, allowing you to gain months of Auction House analysis in seconds. What this means is that our gold guide can dynamically adapt to the unique marketplace conditions of every realm you play on. Best of all, this service is included as part of Zygor's Gold and Auctions Guide.

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