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User Manual

Guide Feedback

Zygor now has thousands of guides across the different guide types and while we do everything we can to make sure guides are up to date Blizzard often changes things without warning which creates errors or issues in the guides.

Guide Feedback is a new feature added in Guide Viewer 8 that allows users to comment on individual steps in the guides and send that feedback to our team for review so we identify and fix problems faster.

To use the feature, simply click the "flag" icon on the viewer while viewing any step you'd like to comment on. This will open a new window where you can leave a message. You can comment on the step to report typos, problems getting the step to work, ideas for improvement, or even just general suggestions.


After you're done, click the Submit button to store the message for later.

In order to upload your Guide Feedback reports to us you need to launch the Zygor Guides Client. By default, reports will upload automatically, but you can control this more manually by going into the Guide Feedback section of the client.


Once reports are uploaded our team will review them and make any necessary changes to the guides accordingly.