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User Manual

Action Buttons

For some steps of a guide you will be required to perform certain actions, like talking to an NPC, targeting an enemy, or quest items. As an additional way to make these actions quicker and easier to perform you can enable the Action Buttons which will show dynamic macros on your screen that all adapt to whatever action you need to perform for the current step. You can enable a special bar that these will be placed on, or you can drag them to your game action bar to control them with custom keybinds.

Types of Buttons

Talk to NPC


Clicking this will target the NPC you need to interact with (when you're in close proximity) and place a green marker over their head


Kill NPC


Clicking this will target the NPC you need to kill for the current step (when you're in close proximity) and place a skull marker over their head

Use Quest Item


Clicking this will use the quest item needed for the step.